Here you can find resources and content about love, marriage, families, Relationships, and all things uplifting.

Debi Gilmore Debi Gilmore


I am often asked how to handle discussions about religion or politics. People want to know what to do when the discussion gets heated and everything spins out of control. A common solution seems to be to avoid topics of religion and politics at all costs. Well, maybe you enjoy healthy debates, and you don’t want to avoid those conversations. I believe with a certain amount of personal preparation by both you and your friend or loved one, you can indeed have that stimulating conversation.

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Debi Gilmore Debi Gilmore


Do you find yourself struggling to find motivation to complete challenging tasks? Maybe you look at your daily to-do list and your eyes glaze over as you contemplate how to find the energy to even begin. The danger is that the shame of your lack of motivation becomes a block to re-commitment and becomes a negative cycle of personal paralysis and discouragement. 

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2. Connect With Others Debi Gilmore 2. Connect With Others Debi Gilmore


You are sitting with a group of friends at lunch, and one of them spontaneously brings up some new information about someone that could not join your group that day. The news is shocking, and you feel sick to your stomach the moment they began to disclose such awful news. The biggest problem is this person they were talking about has become a very dear friend to you.

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1. Connect With Self Debi Gilmore 1. Connect With Self Debi Gilmore


Social comparison or playing the comparison game can be painful and detrimental to our overall well-being. Relentless social comparisons are almost guaranteed to lower feelings of self-worth and can block self-acceptance. The comparison trap is a viscous cycle in which people compare themselves to others, cultivating low self-worth, loneliness, and loss of motivation.

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1. Connect With Self Debi Gilmore 1. Connect With Self Debi Gilmore


Something most of us don’t do intentionally on a regular basis is slowing down long enough to access peace and calm. Regular journaling fosters mindfulness and encourages you to stay present and aware of your daily experiences. Writing about thoughts and feelings also reduces stress and can serve as a stress management tool by providing a way to unload worries and process stressful events.

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If self-doubt has caused you to feel discouraged or stuck it is important to understand that you are not alone. Even the most powerful world leaders have struggled with self-confidence at certain points in their lives. However, the techniques and tools outlined in this article are key to overcoming the paralysis of self-doubt, and when implemented in your daily lives you will cultivate new levels of confidence, self-awareness, and self-compassion.

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2. Connect With Others Debi Gilmore 2. Connect With Others Debi Gilmore


Do you feel guilty or shameful in those moments when you strongly disagree with your spouse’s opinions on something? Do you find yourself wanting to shy away from your own opinion for fear you will seem controlling or inflexible? You are not alone. So often couples ask me how to handle situations in which both partners strongly disagree. “If I see things dramatically different, am I the contentious one?” or “If I disagree with him, am I being disrespectful and argumentative?”

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Debi Gilmore Debi Gilmore


Couples who identify and focus on shared goals are ultimately more satisfied with their relationship over time, and experience greater resilience when facing the challenges of married life.

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3. Connect With Spirit Debi Gilmore 3. Connect With Spirit Debi Gilmore

The Doctrine of Our Divine Identity

If you were able to really understand and embrace the reality of your divine identity, would it change how you think and act today? Would it change how you act around your family, your friends, your neighbors? Would it change how you serve in your ward or stake calling? Would it change how you feel when you look into the mirror? Would it cause you to stop comparing yourself to others, and instead, look to God to understand the measure of your worth?

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2. Connect With Others Debi Gilmore 2. Connect With Others Debi Gilmore

A Template for Friendship

Do you have a friendship with someone that can be compared to the friendship soldiers develop as a result of their service on the battlefront? The friendship among soldiers is often a unique and profound bond that forms in the crucible of shared experiences, hardships, and a common sense of purpose.

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