Here you can find resources and content about love, marriage, families, Relationships, and all things uplifting.

2. Connect With Others Debi Gilmore 2. Connect With Others Debi Gilmore


Many of us get so caught up in our daily concerns, we forget to pause and reflect on the depth and meaning of the relationships that mean the most to us. Remember, don’t wait for Valentines Day to demonstrate love to those who matter most to you. Commit to make today a special day to celebrate those who mean the most to you. Make today a day full of expressions of gratitude for the precious gift of love in your life. 

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Debi Gilmore Debi Gilmore


During the holidays when Christmas season is in full swing a spirit of excitement fills the air and people begin to seek ways to gather and celebrate. Many families gather their loved ones to participate in traditions to build new memories… traditions that have been passed down through the decades. Studies show that traditions play a significant role in keeping families close by creating consistent, shared experiences that connect generations.

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2. Connect With Others Debi Gilmore 2. Connect With Others Debi Gilmore


Humility is sometimes mistakenly perceived as a weakness, but in reality, it is a profound strength. This misconception often arises because humility involves qualities like modesty, admitting mistakes, and putting others first, which can be misunderstood as passivity or a lack of confidence. However, true humility requires a great deal of inner strength and self-assurance.

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