Dr. Debi Gilmore LMFT

I have always loved the process of writing and have found tremendous fulfilment by sitting down to my computer and just allowing my fingers to flow across the keys. When navigating my most difficult challenges, writing has served to soften the blow of disappointment and helps me make sense of the pain in the aftermath. Recently, someone approached me with a dilemma that served as a reminder of the power of journaling.

This person explained that over the past several months they had found themselves on a roller-coaster ride of emotions. They said they had never been this tearful, and yet they didn’t really have anything to be sad about. Their hope was that this would just be a phase only to finally slip away, but the battle of emotions continued for months.

Ultimately, they began to pull back and isolate from others. They said that when they tried to talk with one of their friends about it, the attempt for relief backfired. Their friend just wanted to come up with solutions and fixes to be helpful. In this person’s situation there really were no concrete solutions or quick fixes for the emotionality that has consumed their thoughts for the past several months. Then, they plead with me and asked, “Will I ever find the ‘happy me’ again? Am I doomed to struggle the rest of my life?” My answer was in the form of an invitation to consider the power of writing, or what we might term “bibliotherapy.”

It is important first, to understand that this is a normal process of growth and development for many people. For some, it is triggered by significant change such as graduating from high school or college. For others it can be prompted by the loss of a job, moving to another city/state, or in the aftermath of losing a loved one. There are tremendous benefits in talking with a trusted friend or loved one, and connecting with those you trust and love can be a powerful healing experience. However, similarly productive and therapeutic is writing about your feelings. Keeping a journal offers numerous benefits, both psychological and practical. Here are some key advantages:

Journaling provides an emotional outlet, and a safe space to express and process emotions, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. It is important to write without self-judgment. While you write, allow your thoughts and feelings to flow to the edge of possibilities. Reach for the stars, not just the moon. Writing this way causes self-reflection and encourages personal growth, allowing you to gain insights into your thoughts, behaviors, and patterns. It also opens new avenues, inspired ideas, and sparks courage to expand your horizons.

One of the greatest benefits of writing or journaling is that it helps improve memory and recall by reinforcing the information and experiences you write about. Writing things down can help clear your mind, organize your thoughts, and assist you in making better decisions. It can also be an effective tool for setting goals, tracking progress, and maintaining motivation. While you don’t really seek to solve specific problems, writing about challenges and brainstorming various solutions can enhance problem-solving skills and creativity in general.

Something most of us don’t do intentionally on a regular basis is slowing down long enough to access peace and calm. Regular journaling fosters mindfulness and encourages you to stay present and aware of your daily experiences. Writing about thoughts and feelings also reduces stress and can serve as a stress management tool by providing a way to unload worries and process stressful events.

Writing in a journal will also cultivate greater skills of communication. Regular writing practice can enhance your ability to articulate thoughts and communicate more effectively.

Probably the most important bonus of writing in a journal is that it serves as a personal record of your life, capturing memories, milestones, and significant events. In your case, writing to process feelings and thoughts can serve to strengthen hope in those who read your journal. When others can read through your experiences, it normalizes the challenges and significant events they might be experiencing. They can see, through you, that determination and struggles are survivable, and build character.

Your greatest challenge right now is the waves of emotions you are experiencing. The process of writing naturally provides a way to process and regulate emotion. It helps in regulating emotions by providing a structured way to deal with complex feelings. By processing emotions, you also unlock possibilities, ideas, and future options you may not have thought of before. Journaling can stimulate creativity and imagination, offering a space to explore new ideas and perspectives.

Overall, journaling is a versatile practice that can contribute to your mental well-being, personal development, and overall life satisfaction. Find a wonderful notebook or journal and begin your journey of writing today!



