Dr. Debi Gilmore LMFT

Do you ever find yourself questioning your credibility? Are there days when you wonder where your confidence went? Self-doubt is a common experience that can affect anyone, regardless of their level of success or confidence. It involves a strong inner critical voice that can be painfully convincing and over time, we end up questioning our own abilities, decisions, or worth. While a certain amount of humility can be beneficial in keeping a person grounded and humble, excessive self-doubt can be paralyzing and hinder personal and professional growth.

Self-doubt can significantly impact relationships and cause us to slip into disconnection and insecurity. It can negatively impact our most important relationships in ways that may not be immediately obvious, but over time can cause relational hurts and injuries requiring significant repair.

If self-doubt has caused you to feel discouraged or stuck, first it is important to understand that you are not alone. Even the most powerful world leaders have struggled with self-confidence at certain points in their lives. However, there are techniques and tools that are key to overcoming the paralysis of self-doubt, and when implemented in your daily life you will cultivate new levels of confidence, self-awareness, and self-compassion.


Those who struggle with self-doubt may hesitate to express their needs and feelings to their partner. This often happens because they discount their needs, desires, or concerns, fearing rejection or judgment. They may misinterpret neutral or positive feedback as negative, leading to misunderstandings and conflict.

Open communication is the best strategy to overcome self-doubt. Couples who practice this encourage honest and open dialogue about feelings and concerns. This helps in avoiding misunderstandings and builds trust. Healthy partners who learn to reject self-doubt learn that openly talking about needs and desires sets their partner up to succeed in the relationship. Being transparent and vulnerable provides clarity, emotional closeness, and increases the bond in the couple.


Self-doubt can lead to mistrust in a partner's intentions, actions, or feelings, causing unnecessary tension. Insecurity and jealousy begin to dominate the relationship because doubting one's worth can manifest as jealousy or possessiveness. This level of insecurity puts a strain on the relationship, regardless of attempts to reassure their insecure partner. Constantly having to reassure a partner who doubts themselves can be emotionally taxing.

Couples who value transparency and respect, cultivate trust through consistent connecting rituals they can both count on. When disagreements arise, they swiftly and openly address moments of misunderstandings or conflict. This in turn generates a sense of confidence that each partner is equally investing in the security of the other.

Emotional Dependency vs. Interdependence

A person with self-doubt may frequently seek validation and reassurance from their partner, which can be exhausting for both parties. When the insecure partner relies on others to build their self-worth, it creates an unhealthy dependency, putting pressure on the relationship.

Emotional dependency requires the self-doubting partner to be always accompanied by their stronger partner. This becomes unsustainable and puts a strain on the relationship in general. The partner might feel frustrated or resentful if they perceive that the self-doubt is hindering the relationship's growth or creating unnecessary issues.

True interdependence means that each partner can stand on their own in moments when they are not together. The consistency in moments of connection and emotional safety creates a foundation of strength that sustains them until they are together once again.

Fear of Intimacy

Self-doubt can make individuals fear getting too close, leading to behaviors that push the partner away to avoid potential rejection or hurt. This can also cause a person to undervalue themselves. Believing they are not good enough can lead to settling for less than they deserve or staying in unhealthy relationships.

Couples who consistently experience their partner as being accessible, responsive, and engaged, can allow themselves to be more vulnerable and emotionally available. This requires both partners to be willing to risk, and to willingly offer affirmation and affection in the moments of greatest emotional need.

Conflict Avoidance

Those who suffer from self-doubt tend to avoid talking about hard things, and they avoid confrontation at all costs. Fear of conflict and the potential for negative judgment can result in avoiding necessary discussions, leading to unresolved issues and resentment. Ultimately, this avoidance of difficult topics results in disconnection and loneliness within the relationship. Bottling up emotions and not addressing issues can cause internal stress and eventual outbursts, damaging the relationship.

Confident couples learn that swiftly addressing difficult topics invests in couple security and ensures emotional safety and connection.

Seek Personal Insight

Engaging in self-improvement activities, such as learning new skills, practicing self-compassion, and setting personal goals, can build self-worth and assists in overcoming strong inner critical thoughts. A supportive partner who understands the impact of self-doubt and encourages growth and reassurance can help in managing self-doubt. By addressing self-doubt and its underlying causes, individuals can foster healthier, more balanced relationships.

Here are some strategies to manage and overcome self-doubt:

Understanding Self-Doubt

  1. Identify Triggers: Recognize situations or thoughts that trigger self-doubt. This could be specific tasks, environments, or interactions with certain people.

  2. Acknowledge Feelings: Accept that self-doubt is a natural feeling. Acknowledging it is the first step towards addressing it.

Strategies to Overcome Self-Doubt

  1. Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on past successes and achievements. This helps in building a positive self-image and reminds you of your capabilities.

  2. Set Realistic Goals: Break down large tasks into smaller, manageable goals. Achieving these smaller goals can boost confidence and reduce feelings of being overwhelmed.

  3. Positive Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to counter negative thoughts. Repeating affirmations like "I am capable," "I can handle this," or "I deserve success" can reinforce a positive mindset.

  4. Seek Feedback: Constructive feedback from trusted peers, mentors, or colleagues can provide a more accurate assessment of your abilities and help you see your strengths and areas for improvement.

  5. Learn from Mistakes: Understand that making mistakes is a part of the learning process. Instead of dwelling on failures, focus on what you can learn from them and how you can improve.

  6. Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer a friend. Self-compassion can reduce negative self-judgment and foster resilience.

  7. Surround Yourself with Support: Engage with supportive and positive individuals who encourage and believe in you. Their support can provide a buffer against self-doubt.

  8. Continuous Learning: Keep learning and improving your skills. The more knowledgeable and skilled you become, the more confident you will feel.

  9. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Practices like mindfulness, meditation, and deep-breathing exercises can help in managing stress and reducing anxiety associated with self-doubt.

Have you found yourself immersed in self-doubt? Are there times when it has caused you to feel discouraged or stuck? The techniques and tools outlined in this article are key to overcoming the paralysis of self-doubt, and when implemented in your daily lives you will cultivate new levels of confidence, self-awareness, and self-compassion. As you cultivate these new strengths, share these tools with your loved ones and connections so they too, can conquer and rise above the paralysis of self-doubt.


