The Doctrine of Our Divine Identity

Dr. Debi Gilmore LMFT

In August of 2023, Elder Ulysses Soares led dignitaries and government officials through an open house tour of the Brasília, Brazil Temple. As they passed through the changing area, Elder Soares said he paused with Brazil’s vice president to describe the symbolism of the white clothing worn inside the temple.


“I explained to him that this universal use of white clothing symbolizes that we are all alike unto God and that in the temple our identities are not vice president of a country or a church leader, but our eternal identity as children of a loving Heavenly Father.” (Hundreds of Journalists, Government Leaders and Others Tour the Brasilia, Brazil Temple, LDS Church Newsroom, August 2023)


I would like you to imagine happening upon someone not of our faith, and in your conversation, they ask you to help them understand the concept of Divine Identity. Would you be able to speak from a place of deep testimony and a witness of who YOU really are? Would you be able to talk about it with such power that they would be able to believe they too have Divine Identity?


You might begin by offering them a definition of “divine.” In the dictionary, the term “divine” means: Of God, from God, Godly, Godlike. Now, combine the terms using the definition: “Identity from God,” or “Identity of God.” This new understanding of the term divine causes one to ask the question, “What does this mean for me today?”


If you were able to really understand and embrace the reality of your divine identity, would it change how you think and act today? Would it change how you act around your family, your friends, your neighbors? Would it change how you serve in your ward or stake calling? Would it change how you feel when you look into the mirror? Would it cause you to stop comparing yourself to others, and instead, look to God to understand the measure of your worth?


In General Conference sessions there is an increase in talks that discuss the reality of our divine heritage as spirit children of heavenly parents. This fact is emphasized as an essential part of our Heavenly Father’s Plan of Happiness. “Divine Identity,” is a term that very clearly identifies who we really are, and a term we may mistakenly disregard in our daily lives. I believe it is important to pause and examine this term to gain a greater understanding of the power of this term.


The adversary does not want us to understand the power of our Divine Identity. In fact, he cannot afford for us to really understand because according to Sister Sheri Dew:


“When we become aware of and understand who we really are...our own true power is revealed, our lives take on a sense of purpose so stunning that we can never be the same again.” (Sheri L. Dew, BYU Women’s Conference, Marriott Center, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, May 4, 2001)



However, the power that accompanies our Divine Identity is incomplete without the companionship of the Holy Ghost. That power is also incomplete without each of us individually reaching to, and partnering with the Savior. When we do, we unlock a power we could never have obtained on our own.


I invite you to join me in an exploration about the term divine and how it applies to each of us as a part of our divine birthright. In section one we will explore multiple aspects of how the term divine applies to us today. In section two you will find specific action items that will assist you in not only finding the truths about you, but will also assist you in reinforcing your ability to have faith in, and truly embrace your divine identity.



As a part of our birthright as children of our Heavenly Father, our Divine Worth comes from being created in His image—We are His children. To our Heavenly Father, our worth isn’t based on anything we have done or will ever do. It is also important to point out that when we make mistakes, our divine worth is not erased. Our worth remains intact, because our Savior’s great Atoning Sacrifice made it possible for us to erase our mistakes—NOT our divine identity.


As His beloved spirit children, our Heavenly Father trusts us so much that He granted us agency to choose what we do with our lives, with the hope that we will make choices throughout our earthly life that allow us to dwell with Him and each other eternally. The only thing He expects of us is that we keep His commandments, take the name of the Savior upon ourselves through baptism, and with the companionship and guidance of the Holy Ghost, remain faithful throughout our lives.


 We learn about our divine nature in the second paragraph of The Family: A Proclamation to the World.


“All human beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny.”


This passage is a powerful reminder and confirmation clarifying the reality of our creation, and from where we came—a heavenly home, with heavenly parents who love us so much that they want us to return home. We also learn that we are created in the image of God, and thus a characteristic of our divine identity is divine nature. This would suggest that it is in our nature to strive to be like God, and according to His plan of Happiness, one day we will dwell in His presence once again.


Our Heavenly Father’s Plan is often referred to as The Plan of Happiness. President David O. McKay taught that,“Happiness is the purpose and design of our existence.” (David O. McKay, Pathways to Happiness [1957], xi).


This teaches that our divine destination includes a state of happiness and is reinforced by the scripture found in 2 Nephi 2:25: “Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might find joy.” Elder Tad Callister reinforced this when he said:


“If I were to ask you who is the happiest being in all the universe—the one with the most joy—you would no doubt respond, ‘God.’ Accordingly, God wants us to become perfect like Him so we can experience His quality of joy and thus best fulfill the measure of our existence. That is why His plan for us is sometimes called ‘the plan of happiness.’” (Our Identity and Our Destiny, Elder Tad R. Callister, August 2012)



Because of the reality of our spiritual birth as sons and daughters of heavenly parents, we came to this earth in possession of our divine identity. Elder Tad Callister further clarified the power of our eternal identity when he said:


“Our divine identity is inseparably connected to our divine destiny.”


Let’s think about this for a moment… if we lived with divine beings in the Spirit World, and we are born with divine nature and divine identity, Elder Callister is teaching us that in the eternal pattern of all things, nothing separates our divine identity from our divine destiny… even when we falter and make mistakes. Again, the reality of our Savior’s great Atoning Sacrifice makes possible the reality of our ultimate destination being to live once again with Him.




Divine poise is a new term for me as of April 2023 General Conference, when Elder Mark Bragg beautifully clarified and expounded on it. He explained that our understanding and knowledge of who we are and staying true to our divine identity cultivates a sense of calm and peace within us. He explained that:


“We cannot have divine poise without knowing and understanding that we are divine children of a loving Heavenly Father. He taught that divine poise, or demonstrating and living Christlike poise means we must avoid comparisons to others, or the tendency to pretend we are someone else. Divine Poise means more fully applying the characteristics of Christ in a gentle, and more gracious manner.” (Christlike Poise, Elder Mark Bragg, April 2023)


The principle of divine poise is a very important part of our divine identity, because as we incorporate divine poise into our daily thoughts and actions, we are better able to apply the two greatest commandments to love God and love others. Divine poise promotes the presence of the Spirit, and allows that presence to flow from ourselves and influence others. It is just another way of becoming more like the Savior in our daily interactions with loved ones, friends, and acquaintances.


The term “potential” can be considered cliché and something we take for granted. However, President Russell M. Nelson has taught that our potential is divine. He taught that if we will diligently reach to our Heavenly Father:


“He will give you glimpses of who you may become. As you embrace these truths, our Heavenly Father will help you reach your ultimate goal of living eternally in His holy presence.” (Choices for Eternity, President Russell M. Nelson, May 2022)


This means that the process of uncovering and embracing our divine self requires intentional steps. It means that in order to really understand our divine worth, divine identity, and potential, we must stretch spiritually, asking in faith, and actively listening for promptings, impressions, and personal revelation about WHO WE REALLY ARE. Our prophet has promised that if we are willing to do this, our thoughts will be filled with powerful, comforting truths.



One term that is an oxymoron, and a term that absolutely does not exist is divine doubt.  Doubt is not from divinity. Self-doubt is one of Satan’s greatest tools of distraction, and when we get caught in self doubt, we experience the paralyzing discouragement Sister Craig talked about.


It is normal to experience “seasons of struggle.” If you have trials or challenges in your life that seem acute and discouraging right now, don’t assume there is something wrong with you.  Struggling with those problems is the purpose of our life here on earth. As we strive to draw closer to God, He will allow us to become even more aware of our weaknesses, and it is through our weaknesses that He is able to make us wiser, stronger, and more like Him.


Elder Bruce C. Hafen said:

“If we’re seeing more of our weaknesses, it might mean we are moving nearer to God, not farther away.” (The Atonement: All for All, Elder Bruce C. Hafen, April 2004)


Remember, self doubt is a damaging tool of Satan. Doubt causes discouragement, robs us of confidence, distracts us from being able to focus on what is most important, and can cloud our vision and understanding of who we really are.


In complete contrast to self-doubt, let’s focus on a term that can be considered a blessing and motivator for change. The term is divine discontent and is a very important part of the refining process of becoming like God. Sister Michelle D. Craig, 1st Counselor in the YW General Presidency, spoke about divine discontent in her October 2018 General Conference address. She said:


“We should welcome feelings of divine discontent that call us to a higher way, while recognizing and avoiding Satan’s counterfeit—PARALYZING DISCOURAGEMENT. This is a precious space into which Satan is all too eager to jump. We can choose to walk the higher path that leads us to seek for God and His peace and grace, or we can listen to Satan, who bombards us with messages that we will never be enough: rich enough, smart enough, beautiful enough, anything enough. Our discontent can become divine—or destructive.” (Divine Discontent, Michelle D. Craig, October 2018)


Divine discontent happens as a part of the role of the Holy Ghost. He comforts us when we need comfort, he warns us of danger, but he also reproves us when we sin. In those moments when we make mistakes, the Spirit instills an ache in our hearts, or nudges us to get back onto the path that is consistent with our divine identity. Divine discontent inspires us to seek repentance and forgiveness for our mistakes. Thus, as stated earlier, divine discontent is something we should welcome and respond to as a part of our growth and process of perfection.


Everyone, at certain points in their lives, struggles to maintain a deep and clear focus on our divine identity. I have identified three important sources of truth that, if we rely on these daily, we will not only find power and confidence in our Divine Identity, but we can also expand and cultivate our Divine Identity.   


When I was 9 years old, I recall my grandfather coming to my home, and through his calling as Stake Patriarch, he placed his hands on my head and provided me with my patriarchal blessing. I remember hearing my grandmother (who served as his scribe) weeping throughout my blessing. I knew something significant had occurred in the moments of his offering me my blessing, so from that day forward I relied on my blessing as a constant companion and guide throughout my life.


Not reading our patriarchal blessing is like embarking on a very important journey of our lives, without a map or clear guide as to where we are supposed to go. A patriarchal blessing serves as our personal companion in a world full of confusion, distractions, and discouragement.


President Thomas S. Monson said:


“A patriarchal blessing is a revelation to the recipient, even a white line down the middle of the road, to protect, inspire, and motivate activity and righteousness. A patriarchal blessing literally contains chapters from your book of eternal possibilities. I say eternal, for just as life is eternal, so is a patriarchal blessing. Your blessing is not to be folded neatly and tucked away. It is not to be framed or published. Rather, it is to be read. It is to be loved. It is to be followed.” (Your Patriarchal Blessing: A Liahona of Light, President Thomas S. Monson, October 1986)


I would like to invite you to consider personalizing your study of your blessing such that you invite the Spirit to inspire you with more depth of understanding as to what is between the lines of your actual blessing. I suggest you kneel in the attitude of prayer, and with your patriarchal blessing open in front of you, ask Heavenly Father to give you more understanding or the information you need to face the challenges you presently face.


President Monson continued:


“Your patriarchal blessing will see you through the darkest night. It will guide you through life’s dangers. … Your patriarchal blessing is to you a personal Liahona to chart your course and guide your way.”



Reach to your Patriarchal Blessing to learn more about your divine identity


How can you identify and become aware of your spiritual gifts? Everyone’s patriarchal blessing mentions special gifts and blessing personally pertaining to them. Within your patriarchal blessing, you may find either specific mention of spiritual gifts, or statements and promises that allude to gifts. As you prayerfully study your blessing, ask the Lord to open your eyes of understanding to those gifts that He has bestowed upon you. When they are revealed to you, pray that the Lord will help you expand and strengthen those gifts. 


President George Q. Cannon said:


“How many of you are seeking for these gifts that God has promised to bestow? How many of you, when you bow before your Heavenly Father in your family circle or in your secret places, contend for these gifts to be bestowed upon you? How many of you ask the Father, in the name of Jesus, to manifest Himself to you through these powers and these gifts? (President George Q. Cannon, From the Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star, Apr. 23, 1894, 258–61;)


Spiritual gifts are available to us as God’s children, and they are an essential part of our divine birthright. Spiritual gifts are made available to us to assist us in becoming more like God, and to assist us in finding our way back home to our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ.


Identify and be aware of your spiritual gifts and pray that you will be granted additional spiritual gifts.



Prayer is a beautiful form of communication given to us as a part of our divine identity. Children and parents must be able to communicate with each other in order to function as a healthy and happy family. Our Savior specifically taught us the elements of prayer and how to connect with our Heavenly Father. Pray specifically and intentionally to see yourself the way God sees you. Our dear Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson taught that if we reach to our Heavenly Father with this request, He will grant us this request. He said: “If we ask... God will give us glimpses of who we really are.”


Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught that we may believe we can do things on our own power, but that faulty belief will hold us back from being able to fully access the power available to us. He said:

“… you might do very well on your own in many things. But I urge you to believe that your life will be infinitely better if you rely on God to guide your steps. He knows things you cannot possibly know, and He has a future prepared for you that you cannot possibly imagine.” (Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Your Adventure through Mortality” March 2019 General Conference.)


At this point, it might be helpful to remember that the power available to us as a part of our divine identity is INCOMPLETE without the companionship of the Holy Ghost and is INCOMPLETE without each of us individually partnering with the Savior. This spiritual reaching unlocks power beyond mortal comprehension, but available to us as a part of our divine birthright.


President Russell M. Nelson taught:


“In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.” (Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives, President Russell M. Nelson, April 2018)


President Nelson is suggesting that without the guidance of the spirit, we lose sight of our divine identity and our divine destiny. We cannot afford to lose sight of this, as this companionship with divinity ensures our safe and remarkable arrival to our heavenly destination. President Nelson continued:


“I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that ‘if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.’” (Russell M. Nelson, Revelation for the Church, Revelation for our Lives)



Pray that the Lord will help you see yourself the way He sees you.




Let’s review the 7 essential aspects of our divine birthright—who we really are:


1.     Divine Worth

2.     Divine Nature

3.     Divine Destiny

4.     Divine Identity

5.     Divine Poise

6.     Divine Discontent

7.     Divine Potential


In April 2021, at his address at BYU Women’s Conference, Elder Ronald Rasband felt inspired to bestow upon those in attendance, an Apostolic Blessing. It beautifully seals the truth and power of this discussion of our divinity, and appropriately applies to you, as you seek to fully embrace who you really are. He said:


“I leave you today with my apostolic blessing… that as a child of God you will recognize the divinity within you, that you will pray for guidance from your Father in Heaven and that you will nurture a heart full of love. I bless you to feel the Lord with you, that the healing power of the Savior’s Atonement will be yours as you hold on your way—no matter what comes. I bless you to be a light in this darkening world, to stand as witnesses of God and His righteousness at all times—no exceptions, and to find joy in serving.” May you know of your profound influence [that is a part of your Divine Identity].” (The Doctrine of Divinity, Elder Ronald Rasband, April 2021)



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