For Therapists Seeking Clinical Supervision

Goals and Objectives:

The goal of my supervision and our work together is to support you in learning the various models of marriage and family therapy, refine your professional skills in documentation, session management, crisis intervention, ethical and legal dynamics of working with clients, and personal and professional development. 

If you are a licensed professional, I am considered a consultant and not legally responsible or liable for your clients. If you are not yet licensed, then the relationship will be considered one of clinical supervision.

As my supervisees are confronted with the quest of becoming more highly skilled and competent in their work with clients,, I’ve found that many therapists can feel vulnerable and overwhelmed. In my work with supervisees, I strive to create a safe, supportive environment by acknowledging the challenges and complexity of the model while encouraging the therapist to be gentle, yet persistent in their quest to learn the model. I find that I do my best work as a supervisor when I allow myself to be emotionally present — aligning my own internal state with what the therapist is feeling about his or her work with their couples. It is my hope that you will sense this empathic resonance during supervision, as I believe it helps to create a safe haven where the therapist can learn more effectively and with increasing confidence.

Moving from a Mechanical Focus to Empathic Attunement

One of the most important aspects of my work with therapists is to help them learn how to “be with people” in an empathic and responsive way. I believe this is fundamental to their success in learning how to become a successful therapist. So often I find that therapists can over-focus on the mechanics of the many models of therapy, thus becoming a therapy model “technician.” This typically occurs when the therapist is more worried about steps and stages and classic interventions, which prevents them from tapping into their clients’ hidden emotions and attachment needs. When this occurs, I review the video with a therapist, and have them practice stepping away from technique, and focus on hearing their clients with their heart, bringing their full empathic resonance to their clients’ experiences.

Clear Conceptualizations of Process & Techniques

As I help therapists learn how to attune more deeply to their clients’ emotions, they experience more success in bringing their clients into contact with primary emotions, felt in the moment. As I follow up in subsequent supervision sessions, therapists note that their increased empathic responsiveness facilitates their ability to help clients share from an emotionally engaged place.

Role Play

I try to give clear conceptualizations of therapeutic model structure, processes, and interventions while reviewing video tapes. Following an explanation and discussion of the concepts and demonstrating examples, I will often invite the therapist to practice doing the same. These role-plays seem to help the therapist integrate an understanding of various interventions and steps with a felt experience of moving through the process. 

Evaluation of Progress

In the process of observing videos of a therapist’s work, I carefully watch for moments when he or she does something well, and I strive to give specific, positive feedback. After giving this type of support or encouragement, I also offer a suggestion on how to use that success as a platform to move the process forward; e.g., helping the therapist shape an enactment using present hidden emotions.


My consultation fees are $150 per 50 minute session. This is payable at the time of service, via credit card which I securely store double-encrypted, in my Simple Practice™ software.

eft certification supervision groups

My EFT Certification Supervision groups are established to assist the therapist seeking certification. The format is structured such that everyone is gaining knowledge, confidence, and experience while one member is receiving direct feedback and guidance with their particular cases. Focus is on general skill-building, and also specific requirements for certification application. Those seeking Certified EFT Supervisor status are welcome to join and show tapes of supervision of those seeking certification.  

The structure of the group is as follows: 

  • Welcome and check-in first 15 minutes.

  • One group member shows tape each session (10 to 15 minutes of tape)

  •  Rotation set up similar to Core skills

    • Group members complete a case presentation form–email it to the entire group 

    • Group member  presents the case overview to group including where they believe they are in the Tango 

    •  Group member shares where they feel stuck and what help they need 

  •  Discuss and Identify next steps/suggestive feedback from Supervisor

  • Supportive feedback from the group

  •  Role play – Feedback from group based on role play 

  • Review/clarification as to what is required in certification tapes



  •  Twice monthly

  •  $75 per month (5 or more participants who must commit to 3 months of supervision sessions to honor this discounted rate)

  • $75 per session (Less than 5  participants)

  • Email using the form below for times/days and to sign up

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